In Jharkhand’s Ratanpur Bal Mitra Gram (Child-Friendly Village), 29-year-old Chameli Kumari used to struggle with economic challenges within her family. Their main source of livelihood was collecting mica scraps. Despite the hardships, Chameli didn’t let her dream of a brighter future for herself and her family fade away.
Chameli saw a ray of hope while attending a meeting organised by our team members. We introduced her to the Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Grameen Kaushalya (DDU-GK) centre, which offers free training in various livelihood skills under the government-run DDU-GK programme.
Undeterred by societal constraints, Chameli decided to seize the opportunity and enrolled in the three-month nursing assistant course at the DDU-GKY centre. The course not only provided her with valuable skills but also instilled a newfound confidence within her.
"The meetings organised by your team empowered women like us to dream big. Now, I'm pursuing my dream of becoming an assistant nurse." - Chameli.
Chameli's journey became a testament to the transformative power of education and skill development. As she honed her nursing skills, she discovered a passion for caring for others. Her goal was not just personal success, but also to uplift her family economically and secure a quality education for her children.
As she steps into the world of healthcare, Chameli carries not only the skills she acquired but also the courage to challenge societal norms and make a difference in her community. She now has the power to create a generational shift in her surroundings.